Hilsoft Notifications: Class Action Notice


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Important Notice: The Common Experience Payment (CEP) application deadline has passed with the exception of Kivalliq Hall. Late applications for all other recognized Indian Residential Schools were accepted until September 19, 2012 in cases of disability, undue hardship and exceptional circumstances, and needed to include a written reason for the delay in application.

Common Experience Payment applications for Kivalliq Hall only are now being accepted. Please use the links below to view and/or download a CEP claim form for Kivalliq Hall.

For general information on the Common Experience Payment, or for questions regarding applying for CEP for Kivalliq Hall, call 1-866-640-9992 or see the CEP webpage of the IRS Official Court Website.

Important IAP Application Information: The Independent Assessment Process (IAP) application deadline has passed with the exception of Kivalliq Hall. For all other recognized Indian Residential Schools, September 19th, 2012 was the deadline to submit an application to the IAP. An exception to this deadline was made for applications for Mistassini Hostels. The deadline for Mistassini Hostels was September 2, 2013 but because September 2 fell on a holiday, the Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat accepted applications postmarked on or before September 3, 2013.

Independent Assessment Process (IAP) applications for Kivalliq Hall only are now being accepted. Please call the IAP Info line at 1-877-635-2648 or see the Independent Assessment Process webpage on the IRS Official Court Website for more information.

Click below to view and/or download a Common Experience Payment (CEP) Claim Form for Kivalliq Hall.

CEP Claim Form and guarantor consent form for living former students of Kivalliq Hall
CEP Claim Form and guarantor consent form for Estates of deceased former students of Kivalliq Hall
CEP Claim Form for Personal Representatives (for Kivalliq Hall)

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xro6bsi3j5 w6v6gw[1j5 xJw8ˆ3i3j5 bbtZ4nw5  Stirland Lake & Cristal Lake Notice  Mistassini Notice

Kivalliq Hall Notice   Kivalliq Hall - Personal Credits Notice   w1u4f5 cspnDt5

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Class action notice and official Court website by Hilsoft Notifications.